
Crew-centred Design and operations of ships and ship systems
Project Duration
October 2012
October 2015
Research Priority Area
Maritime Safety
Project Website

WMU has successfully participated in a number of research calls within the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme. Under the call for "Human element factors in shipping safety", funding has been approved for the three-year project, CyClaDes, which started on 1 October 2012, and will be carried out by the MaRiSa (Maritime Risk and Safety) research group, led by WMU Associate Professor, Dr Jens-Uwe Schröder-Hinrichs.

WMU is a major partner and work-package leader inCyClaDes- "Crew-centred Design and operations of ships and ship systems". Under the leadership of the German classification society Germanischer Lloyd, the consortium brings together 14 partners from industry (manufacturers and classification societies), and research institutions and universities from nine countries (Germany, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Portugal and Greece). The total project value is €4.2 million; this includes €2.9 million of EU funding, of which WMU will receive €307,000.

The overall aim of the project is to promote the increased impact of the human element in shipping across the design and operational lifecycle. The multi-disciplinary team will focus on the key steps in the lifecycle and the role of the stakeholders involved. The project will investigate where the barriers to human element integration occur; and how to best locate, produce, disseminate, and apply human element knowledge within the overall context of shipping.

WMU is one of the main research partner institutions in the project and is leader of two work packages. The first will define qualification concepts that raise the awareness for user-centered design in ships, and develop methods for user-centered design and their evaluation. The second work package will develop a technology implementation plan for the dissemination and exploitation of the project output, to ensure full commercial utilization of the technology developed, and will use end-user groups to facilitate the dissemination of the research.

Principal Investigator
Jens-Uwe Schröder-Hinrichs
Vice-President, Strategic Initiatives and Professor
Co-principal investigator
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Project Officer
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