Since 2014, Tatjana Krilic works as Head, Member State Audits, in the Department for Member State Audit and Implementation Support of IMO.
The main focus of her work is managing and coordinating the delivery of various aspects of the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS) in line with the Framework and Procedures for the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (resolution A.1067(28)). It also includes organising analysis of audit data and proposing further development of approaches, mechanisms, tools and guidelines for the enhancement of IMSAS and related technical assistance programmes, taking into account the objectives of the Organization’s Strategic Plan. She started her work at IMO as the Member State Audit Officer, in 2009, and had been involved in the implementation of voluntary phase of the Scheme and its transition into the current mandatory phase. Having worked for twelve years in the Croatian maritime administration, prior to joining IMO, she was involved in an array of duties, including flag State inspections, port State control inspections, monitoring of recognized organization, casualty investigations, drafting national legislation implementing IMO conventions, a number of projects aimed at further development of inspection processes, and she moved on from the Croatian maritime administration as the Principal Marine Inspector. She has been a part of Croatian delegation to meetings of the IMO MSC, MEPC, Assembly and FSI, being also elected four times and serving three times as the Chair of FSI. She regularly participated in the Committee meetings of the Paris MoU on port State control, as well as in various bilateral and multilateral high-level meetings and engagements.
Her early career includes experience as naval architect in the design department of a large shipyard, and experience as teaching assistant at the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Technology Engineering of the Technical Faculty in Rijeka, Croatia, where she accomplished her master’s degree in naval architecture.
Since 2014, Tatjana Krilic works as Head, Member State Audits, in the Department for Member State Audit and Implementation Support of IMO.
The main focus of her work is managing and coordinating the delivery of various aspects of the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS) in line with the Framework and Procedures for the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (resolution A.1067(28)). It also includes organising analysis of audit data and proposing further development of approaches, mechanisms, tools and guidelines for the enhancement of IMSAS and related technical assistance programmes, taking into account the objectives of the Organization’s Strategic Plan. She started her work at IMO as the Member State Audit Officer, in 2009, and had been involved in the implementation of voluntary phase of the Scheme and its transition into the current mandatory phase. Having worked for twelve years in the Croatian maritime administration, prior to joining IMO, she was involved in an array of duties, including flag State inspections, port State control inspections, monitoring of recognized organization, casualty investigations, drafting national legislation implementing IMO conventions, a number of projects aimed at further development of inspection processes, and she moved on from the Croatian maritime administration as the Principal Marine Inspector. She has been a part of Croatian delegation to meetings of the IMO MSC, MEPC, Assembly and FSI, being also elected four times and serving three times as the Chair of FSI. She regularly participated in the Committee meetings of the Paris MoU on port State control, as well as in various bilateral and multilateral high-level meetings and engagements.
Her early career includes experience as naval architect in the design department of a large shipyard, and experience as teaching assistant at the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Technology Engineering of the Technical Faculty in Rijeka, Croatia, where she accomplished her master’s degree in naval architecture.