
WMU Joins On Shore Power Supply in the Nordic Region Project

The World Maritime University (WMU) has joined the “On Shore Power Supply in the Nordic Region” Project (The Project) under the Nordic Innovation Programme. The overall goal of the programme is to support advancements in technology with the aim of decarbonizing Nordic ports, the maritime industry, and the interface between land and sea-based transport in line with the Paris Climate Agreement that will require shipping to reduce CO2 absolute emissions to 50% by 2050.

The Project consists of a feasibility study that includes financial, technical, and environmental considerations regarding the implementation of on-shore power supply in the Nordic region. The feasibility study aims to inform the decision-making process related to installing on-shore power supply systems in Nordic ports. The study will include a business case model that can be applied by ports and other decision-makers when considering investments.

The project consortium includes eight partners that cover the full spectrum of on-shore power supply: Danish Maritime  (Lead partner), World Maritime University, Norwegian Centres of Expertise Maritime CleanTech, SSPA Sweden AB, Danske Havne, PowerCon, and Danfoss Drives A/S.

Participation in the project supports WMU’s commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 7 focused on affordable and clean energy; Goal 9, focused on industry, innovation and infrastructure; Goal 11, focused on sustainable cities and communities, and Goal 13 focused on climate action. WMU staff contributing to the project include Assistant Professor, Dr. Fabio Ballini as the Principal Investigator for WMU, and Project Officer, Dr. Monica Canepa.

The World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmö, Sweden is established within the framework of the International Maritime Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations. The mission of WMU is to be the world centre of excellence in postgraduate maritime and oceans education, professional training and research, while building global capacity and promoting sustainable development. WMU is an organization by and for the international maritime community and is committed to the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

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