
MSEA Students Visit Cruise Ship

In today’s maritime industry, environmental impact is a critical consideration in ship design. As part of their Maritime Safety and Environmental Protection Course, WMU students from the MSEA specialization spent a day onboard the cruise ship Celebrity Eclipse in Copenhagen, Denmark on 19 June. 

Hosted by Mr. Andrew Mott, the ship’s Environmental Officer, and sponsored by Anderson England of Royal Caribbean International, students viewed systems designed to comply with international environmental requirements, as well as flag state requirements and company policy. The group was exposed to creative solutions for unique situations faced by cruise ships, such as how to manage and safely maintain grass on the vessel. Celebrity Eclipse has mastered their lawn maintenance through tremendous innovation and research, with the support of their highly qualified crew.

With an eye toward minimizing environmental impact, the cruise line company has established “Save the Waves," an elaborate recycling program that provides incentives for the crew. All proceeds earned from recycling items such as cans and bottles go to the crew and fund many of their morale activities. 

The visit addressed a key component of the graduate studies at WMU, which is providing students with practical exposure to compliance with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).

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