
Jordan Maritime Day and MoU signed with JAMS

At the Jordan Maritime Day celebrations organized by the Jordan Maritime Commission under the auspices of the Jordan Ministry of Transport on 10 February, President Doumbia-Henry delivered a keynote address on the Importance of Training and Human Resources Development in the maritime sector.

In her remarks, President Doumbia-Henry noted that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is with us and is characterised by the introduction of artificial intelligence, including self-learning robotics and the Internet of Things. For the maritime sector, new technologies such as automation, maritime safety and security concerns including cyber-security, sustainability of the oceans, innovations in technology, and responding to marine environmental and climate change issues will loom large on the maritime agenda and impact the maritime industry as a whole. Technological developments on the way include autonomous ships and automization of port and other transport chain operations.

She stated: “These developments will have implications for policy setting, finance, insurance, environmental issues, energy, technology and geopolitical developments. They will have consequences for society at large and for developing economy countries in particular. The regulatory and legislative challenges facing the industry are expected to be wide-ranging and far-reaching. Qualified and motivated individuals will continue to be the backbone of transport in the future, including in maritime and ports. Education, training and re-skilling will continue to be key requirements to ensure that workers will be ready for the new jobs being created. These issues will all shape employment and the education and training needs of the maritime transport and wider oceans sector. Human capital has driven our progress, and will be the key in making headway toward a more sustainable world, as outlined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

During her visit to Jordan, President Doumbia-Henry and Professor Mustafa Masaad, President of the Jordan Academy for Maritime Studies (JAMS) and a graduate of WMU, signed a new MoU that includes academic information sharing and faculty exchanges as well as cooperation on enrolment of students in the WMU MSc, distance learning and professional development programmes and cooperation on hosting of field studies in Jordan for WMU students.

President Doumbia-Henry also met with the Minister of Transport, H.E. Anmar Al Kasawneh, regarding potential cooperation between WMU and the Ministry. She also held discussions with the Director General of the Jordan Maritime Commission, Mr. Salah Ali Abu-Afifeh, a WMU graduate, and visited the Aqaba Company for Ports Operation and Management as well as the Aqaba Development Corporation. The President was accompanied on the visit to Jordan by WMU Associate Professor, Dr. Aref Fakhry.

As the shipping industry in the Middle East is expanding rapidly with large vessels and ports that are more sophisticated and incorporate greater automation, highly skilled human resources are needed for safe, secure and efficient operations on clean oceans. WMU’s greater engagement with the the Government and industry partners of Jordan is a natural evolution of these developments.

To date, there are 20 WMU graduates from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The first PhD candidate from Jordan enrolled at the close of 2018, and the Malmö MSc Class of 2019 includes the first female student from Jordan.

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