
Day of the Seafarer 2024

Day of the Seafarer is celebrated annually on 25 June to express thanks to the world’s 1,5 million seafarers serving on internationally trading merchant ships thereby contributing to the world economy and economic and social well-being. The 2024 Day of the Seafarer theme focuses on seafarers' contribution to making the maritime sector a safer workplace, with seafarers around the world asked to contribute their top tips for safety at sea.  

In recognition of Day of the Seafarer 2024, Professor Maximo Q. Mejia, Jr., President of the World Maritime University (WMU) provided the following message:

“Day of the Seafarer is a time to reflect on the enormous contribution seafarers make to the global economy and the effect their work has on our daily lives. With over 80 percent of global trade carried by ships, we are dependent on seafarers. I can personally attest to the challenges of a seafaring career. The health, wellbeing, and safety of seafarers is paramount, ultimately facilitating our global economy and helping to protect our oceans. On this day, we express our deepest gratitude to seafarers for their dedication and commitment that keeps global trade moving. On behalf of WMU, I reiterate our commitment to promoting safety at sea, and the health and wellbeing of seafarers through education, research and capacity development in support of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8 focused on decent work for all, which will ultimately support a sustainable future for the maritime industry.” 

Seafarer safety and well-being are very much at the core of the work undertaken at WMU. Since 2018, the historic MarTID survey has resulted in annual reports providing insight to global maritime training practices, investment and thought. In 2019, WMU released a flagship report entitled  “Transport 2040: Automation Technology Employment - the Future of Work”. The forward-looking assessment, produced by WMU and funded by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), investigates how the global transport industry will change as a result of automation and advanced technologies. The Phase II project report - Transport 2040: Impact of Technology on Seafarers - The Future of Work was released in 2023 providing an in-depth exploration of a number of maritime issues related to future ship technologies, including automation, to qualify the probable impact on seafarers.

In 2020, the WMU Culture of Adjustment Report underlined systemic failures in the implementation of the regulatory regime for seafarers’ hours of work and rest. In 2021, WMU launched an important new book - “The World of the Seafarer: Qualitative Accounts of Working in the Global Shipping Industry”, that addresses the need for a broader understanding of the maritime sector and provides a detailed account of the industry as a complex jigsaw of globally dispersed elements. WMU also recently presented the research results on, Effects of the COVID-19 panDEmic on sEafarers and shiPping (DEEP), funded by the Swedish Ministry of Infrastructure. The report reflects the remarkable resilience of the ships and port interface and the adaptability of port workers and seafarers.

WMU also offers health and wellbeing Executive and Professional Development Courses designed to provide seafarers and ship management teams with insights into personal and organizational factors influencing mental health and wellbeing. In addition, WMU hosts opportunities such as the recent workshop on Seafarers’ Work/Rest Hours and Ships’ Manning

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