
Day of the Seafarer 2013: Faces of the Sea

Wednesday, 25 June 2013,  marks the third international Day of the Seafarer, an official United Nations observance day. This year, IMO is celebrating the occasion with a social media campaign calling on all supply chain partners, including those beyond the maritime sector, to help highlight the sheer diversity and scale of products used in everyday life that travel by sea, and to recognize the importance of the people that deliver them; more than 1.5 million seafarers. 

In his annual Day of the Seafarer message, IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu said, “Seafarers operate on the ‘front line’ of the shipping industry, and this year’s campaign theme, Faces of the Sea, aims to highlight the individuals that are often unseen, but who work to deliver more than 90% of the world’s goods. We will ask the seafarers themselves to show us snapshots of their daily life at sea, to give them a voice and share their story on a global stage, via social media”.

Mr. Sekimizu noted that 2013 is a landmark year for the seafaring community, as the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) enters into force in August. “This marks significant progress in the recognition of seafarers’ roles and the need to safeguard their well-being and working conditions,” he said.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also highlighted the Day of the Seafarer, with a special message urging everyone to remember the contribution of seafarers to world trade and development.

“On the Day of the Seafarer, I urge everyone to spare a thought for those courageous seafarers, men and women from all corners of the world, who face danger and tough working conditions to operate today’s complex, highly technical ships, every hour of every day of the year – and on whom we all depend,” he said. 

Day of the Seafarer campaign

Faces of the Sea is an innovative campaign that harnesses the power of social media to raise awareness of seafarers and their unique role. Everyone can join the campaign online. 

How you can participate on 25 June:

Individuals and organizations:

  • Post a picture of your favourite product brought by sea, or upload a seafarer image on Facebook, and say: “Thank you seafarers”http://www.facebook.com/IMOHQ
  • Tweet a message to @IMOHQ and @SeafarerDay using hashtag #thankyouseafarer
  • Watch and share videos on Youtube.com/IMOHQ

Shipping companies, supply chain partners or retailers:

  • Send IMO a picture, via Facebook, of your most popular product and tell us how many seafarers bring this product to us. And say: “Thank you seafarers” 

The Day of the Seafarer video message by IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu can be viewed here: http://www.imo.org/About/Events/dayoftheseafarer/Pages/Day-of-the-Seafarer-2013.aspx

The text of the  Day of the Seafarer message by IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu can be downloaded here: http://www.imo.org/About/Events/dayoftheseafarer/Documents/2013%20Day%20of%20the%20Seafarer%20message%20.pdf

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