Women in the Ocean Decade - Lunch & Panel

In recognition of World Oceans Day on 8 June 2023, the WMU Empowering Women for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Programme (the Programme) is collaborating with the Women Leadership in Marine Technology and Science to host Lunch and Panel on Women and the Ocean Decade. This event is part of the OCEANS Conference and Exposition 2023 Limerick 'Blue Ocean Planet Earth'.
This event features a panel discussion on how to improve gender equality and promote the empowerment of women in marine technology and science. It also includes the launch of a report on Scaling Up Actions to Empower Women for the Ocean Decade under the Programme. This is an on-site-only event open to all who are attending the OCEANS Limerick 2023 conference.
Click here to register through the OCEANS Conference.
More about WMU Empowering Women Programme
The WMU Empowering Women Programme is generously sponsored by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) with support from The Nippon Foundation. The Programme is endorsed by IOC-UNESCO as a Decade Action (Programme) and will play a central role in supporting the Ocean Decade mission to catalyze transformative ocean science solutions for sustainable development. In collaboration with the Ocean Decade Network, the Programme established the Empowering Women Forum to serve as a digital platform to facilitate coordination amongst stakeholders and partners working on the theme of women’s empowerment to optimise collective impact throughout the Ocean Decade. Join the Empowering Women Forum here: https://forum.oceandecade.org/topics/35873/home
WMU's Empowering Women Programme advances an inclusive model for the sustainable governance of ocean spaces and maritime activities. It duly takes into account the need to ensure effective gender equality and the empowerment of women at all levels, particularly in leadership roles, in order to ensure the sustainable management of the global ocean.
About World Oceans Day
On 8 June each year, we celebrate the ocean, its importance in our lives, and how we can protect it. World Oceans Day helps raise the profile of the ocean and inspire more involvement in helping to conserve this amazing resource we all depend on. A healthy world ocean is critical to our survival. Every year, World Oceans Day provides a unique opportunity to honor, help protect, and conserve the world’s oceans. To learn more about World Oceans Day, click here.