WMU at Nor-Shipping

From 6-9 June, the World Maritime University will be at Nor-Shipping, the platform for sustainable ocean development, helping leading maritime players plot profitable courses into the future.
6- 9 June
Hall E Stand E04-5i
WMU is pleased to be the lead partner for Nor-Shipping's Ocean Campus initiative to strengthen and support the pipeline of new talent entering the world of maritime and ocean business. Colleagues from WMU will be available at our booth, Hall E stand E04 5i, the entire week.
Maritime Energy Transition: The Role of Education, Capacity Building and Research in Maritime Decarbonization
13:30 - 17:00, 6 June
Hall A1-3
WMU will host a side event on Maritime Energy Transition: The Role of Education, Capacity Building and Research in Maritime Decarbonization. The maritime industry is at the beginning of its greatest technical, economic and operational transformations as it prepares to transition to zero/low greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions. Reducing GHG emissions is an inevitable challenge that the industry must effectively respond to, but it is simultaneously a great opportunity for building a more sustainable industry.
Education and research play a pivotal role in facilitating a smooth transition in the maritime sector as well as ensuring that capacities are built worldwide for sustainable energy technologies. Capacity building is essential to ensure the global effort towards zero and low-emissions in international shipping is successful.
WMU’s side-event, which is to complement the discussions held in the international maritime arena, aims at extensive discussions on the role of education, capacity building and research in relation to maritime decarbonization by presenting WMU’s activities within the subject discipline. The side-event explores 4 thematic areas, highlighting WMU-related research:
Future skills and competencies for a greener future: Interim results of its completed research project, Transport 2040, The Future ofWork Phase II, Impact of Technology on Seafarers
Domestic shipping and maritime decarbonization: Enhancing safety and energy efficiency of domestic passenger ships in the Philippines
The role of ports in maritime decarbonization: Sustainability EducationAl programme for greeNER fuels and enerGY (SEANERGY)
Decarbonization technologies working in synergy: deCarbonizing sHipping by Enabling Key technology symbiosis on real vessel concept designs (CHEK)
The side event is open to anyone who is interested in Maritime Decarbonization. Registration is not required, but space is limited. First come, first served.
Through cutting-edge education and research in the Maritime EnergyManagement (MEM) field,WMU works to support the achievement of sustainable, (net) zero/low-carbon and energy-efficient maritime and ocean industries. WMU’s MEM educational offerings include the groundbreaking MEM MSc specialization that was introduced in 2015, and a Postgraduate Diploma inMaritime Energy delivered by distance learning. WMU’s Maritime Energy Management Research Priority Area focuses on the fundamental understanding of energy in a maritime context and the application of evidence-based knowledge across the field from ships to ports, and from oceans to shipyards, to ensure the cost-effective, safe and environmentally friendly use of resources. The book Trends and Challenges in Maritime Energy Management, was published in 2018 as an outcome of the InternationalConference on Maritime Energy Management (MARENER 2017) hosted at WMU in 2017. It was one of the most downloaded books in its category in 2018. A new offering in 2022 was the WMU Summer Academy on Maritime Decarbonization that brought maritime professionals together at WMU for a week-long, intensive programme focused on the opportunities and challenges surrounding the reduction of GHG emissions from shipping. The Maritime Decarbonization Summer Academy programme is being offered again in 2023.
The CHEK and SEANERGY projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 955286 and grant agreement No 101075710.
To access the side event flyer, click here.
15:30 - 16:30, 8 June
Hall E, Blue Talk Stage
Professor Aykut Ölcer, Director of Maritime Research and Head of the Maritime Energy Management Specialization, will represent WMU at the Blue Talk 12 - Running out of people. Modern ships with latest compliance requirements will need the right kind of crews. Crew recruitment, education, training and welfare are no longer the soft debates, but critical discussions about the future of the industry. The aim of this Blue Talk is to bring together thought leaders to discuss a way forward that is equitable and fair, given where most crews are sourced from?